Looking for an audition repetoire book to take with you on the audition?
The 16 Bar Theatre Audition is a great audition resource because it has a wide variety of selections at audition-ready length. There are pieces from old shows and plenty of contemporary as well. Although some of the music goes a bit over 16 bars, this is generally not a big deal at Disney auditions (it's maybe two-four bars over). Disney audition directors are typically more concerned with your voice than PRECISE bar count.
Take this in and be prepared!
Recommended Reading
Acting Secrets Revealed - "Buy Acting Secrets Revealed now for just $27 and start seeing measurable, noticeable results day after day."
- Central Florida Auditions and Modeling Jobs
Recommended Reading
Acting Secrets Revealed - "Buy Acting Secrets Revealed now for just $27 and start seeing measurable, noticeable results day after day."
- Central Florida Auditions and Modeling Jobs