Q. I have a very important audition in late February and I have a question about protocol. The situation is that I regularly wear glasses but all of my head shots were taken without them. I can't wear contacts because they irritate and redden my eyes, and I don't know what to do about audition day. I'm bringing my glasses to the audition because they seem appropriate for the character. Should I...
- Walk in with the glasses on and assume they'll ask me to take them off if they're not desired?
- Walk in with them off and ask them if they would prefer them or not?
- Slate with them on and then remove them when reading my lines?
- Other?
A. I always tell aspiring actresses to be true to themselves first. In other words, it is what it is and you are what you are. I would walk in with them on - period! With that settled, I would suggest that you pick up the most flattering pair of eyeglasses that you can find. I read a very favorable review of Zenni Optical on Eric Hammer's Blog so you might want to check them - word is that they have top quality prescription glasses for as little as 8 bucks a pair.
Be yourself and shine - best of luck on the audition!