Have You Been Thinking About Modeling?

Have You Been Thinking About Modeling?

You've been on a number of auditions but have you been thinking about modeling... maybe even daydreaming about becoming a top model but don't know how to get started? I'd suggest picking up the "Let's Model: Your Complete Modeling Guide" which should answer most of your quetions and get you on your way...
  • Do I have what it takes to be a model?
  • What kind of jobs can I get as a model?
  • How do small-town girls make it onto the cover of Vogue and other top fashion publications?
  • Is it worth signing up for modeling camp?
  • Is it possible that I just "don't have the look?" What IS "the look" these days?
  • How much will I make as a starting model?
  • What's the difference between a test photo and a tear sheet?
  • What is "camera personality" and how do I know if you have it?
  • How many pics is the "right" amount for my portfolio?
  • How do models get paid? What percentage does the agency get? 
  • How long before I receive my check?
More Info on the Let's Model Website.

Recommended Reading
Acting Secrets Revealed - "Buy Acting Secrets Revealed now for just $27 and start seeing measurable, noticeable results day after day."
       - Central Florida Auditions and Modeling Jobs

Auditions and Modeling Website Trying a New Utility

Auditions Blog Going High Tech

In our continuing effort to improve the experience for our Central Florida Auditions and Modeling Jobs audience, I have added a utility called Blog Copy to this website.

BlogCopy is designed to monitor which chunks of text and which particular images our readers copy from this blog. If a reader highlights "Disney World announces princess auditions" from this site and then pastes it into a new blog post of their own. I'll be alerted.

If a reader finds a phrase on this site like "audition tips for female singers" and enters it into a search engine, I'll know. I'll have a much better idea of what images, phrases, and words are of most interest to my readers.

Go ahead and give it a try if you want. Here are some phrases to copy and paste:

Carnival Cruise Line announces open auditions
what's the deal with musician auditions
Auditions becoming scarce
preparing for a dance audition

As always, thanks for being a loyal reader of the Central Florida Auditions and Modeling Jobs website!

Previous Post: Actor Auditions Self Help Kit

Question About Auditions and Eyeglasses

Audition Tips Q & A

Q. I have a very important audition in late February and I have a question about protocol. The situation is that I regularly wear glasses but all of my head shots were taken without them. I can't wear contacts because they irritate and redden my eyes, and I don't know what to do about audition day. I'm bringing my glasses to the audition because they seem appropriate for the character. Should I...

  1. Walk in with the glasses on and assume they'll ask me to take them off if they're not desired?
  2. Walk in with them off and ask them if they would prefer them or not?
  3. Slate with them on and then remove them when reading my lines?
  4. Other?

A. I always tell aspiring actresses to be true to themselves first. In other words, it is what it is and you are what you are. I would walk in with them on - period! With that settled, I would suggest that you pick up the most flattering pair of eyeglasses that you can find. I read a very favorable review of Zenni Optical on Eric Hammer's Blog so you might want to check them - word is that they have top quality prescription glasses for as little as 8 bucks a pair.

Be yourself and shine - best of luck on the audition!

Acting Career Secrets - The Ultimate Actors Self Help Kit

Acting Career Secrets

Are you begging for scraps and while waiting to sink your teeth into much better acting parts? There's a book called Acting Career Secrets that you can actually read online. It has a goldmine of information for the aspiring actor.

My favorite section is called "First impressions are EVERYTHING!" It's a very well written snippet on getting your own chance to shine on stage - every time! It is almost UNFAIR exactly how well this works! The book is currently on sale for $27 which is a steal in my opinion. With the help of this material, you should see very noticeable results every day.

It also comes with some useful bonuses:

Bonus #1 - The "Ultimate Acting Guide"
Bonus #2 - "Acting Success Secrets"
Bonus #3 - The "Ultimate Actors Self Help Kit" 

Recommended Reading
Acting Secrets Revealed - "Buy Acting Secrets Revealed now for just $27 and start seeing measurable, noticeable results day after day."
       - Central Florida Auditions and Modeling Jobs
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