Auditions and Modeling Website Trying a New Utility

Auditions Blog Going High Tech

In our continuing effort to improve the experience for our Central Florida Auditions and Modeling Jobs audience, I have added a utility called Blog Copy to this website.

BlogCopy is designed to monitor which chunks of text and which particular images our readers copy from this blog. If a reader highlights "Disney World announces princess auditions" from this site and then pastes it into a new blog post of their own. I'll be alerted.

If a reader finds a phrase on this site like "audition tips for female singers" and enters it into a search engine, I'll know. I'll have a much better idea of what images, phrases, and words are of most interest to my readers.

Go ahead and give it a try if you want. Here are some phrases to copy and paste:

Carnival Cruise Line announces open auditions
what's the deal with musician auditions
Auditions becoming scarce
preparing for a dance audition

As always, thanks for being a loyal reader of the Central Florida Auditions and Modeling Jobs website!

Previous Post: Actor Auditions Self Help Kit


  1. I love the photograph in this article. Is that the Connecticut Ballet?

  2. Hi. I am the owner of Rinehart Video Productions in Sarasota Florida. I shoot affordable videos for websites and people all over Florida. This is a suggestion for all aspiring actors: Have a video shot of youself if you don't already. And not an amateur one that is a hand held video that jumps all over. I'm talking about a video that is shot on a tripod, and that incorporates a wireless microphone system that allows you the freedom to move about, and still have perfect stereo sound. Also adding a video on YouTube and other video submission sites will give you more free exposure. You never know who might see and discover you. Good luck to everyone. A really great blog here. Thank you.

  3. I like the idea from Charles about having a professional video made. If you are an aspiring actor, you need to sell yourself and you need to be able to do that quickly and efficiently. A video demo that you can freely leave with the people that might hire you as well as a similar video on YouTube might be just what you need to land the next job!


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