Have You Been Thinking About Modeling?

Have You Been Thinking About Modeling?

You've been on a number of auditions but have you been thinking about modeling... maybe even daydreaming about becoming a top model but don't know how to get started? I'd suggest picking up the "Let's Model: Your Complete Modeling Guide" which should answer most of your quetions and get you on your way...
  • Do I have what it takes to be a model?
  • What kind of jobs can I get as a model?
  • How do small-town girls make it onto the cover of Vogue and other top fashion publications?
  • Is it worth signing up for modeling camp?
  • Is it possible that I just "don't have the look?" What IS "the look" these days?
  • How much will I make as a starting model?
  • What's the difference between a test photo and a tear sheet?
  • What is "camera personality" and how do I know if you have it?
  • How many pics is the "right" amount for my portfolio?
  • How do models get paid? What percentage does the agency get? 
  • How long before I receive my check?
More Info on the Let's Model Website.

Recommended Reading
Acting Secrets Revealed - "Buy Acting Secrets Revealed now for just $27 and start seeing measurable, noticeable results day after day."
       - Central Florida Auditions and Modeling Jobs


  1. Good platform for auditions

  2. Dear..
    this is simple blog..
    i like it
    always succses for your blog,,

  3. I have always dreamed about becoming a model but I'm afraid I'm not attractive enough. My friends say I should do it but I'm scared.

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